Welcome to vielgesundheit.at

Who we are & what we do?


As a "Digital Healthcare Campus", for years we have been focusing on the preparation and production of scientific education and trainings for professionals of the healthcare industry. Digital e-learnings are the main focus of our daily work. With more than 200 e-learning courses, mostly in the German language, we provide professional education for doctors, pharmacists and members of the medical nursing staff.

Our  target is to provide healthcare professionals with high-quality content via various different channels – focussed on digital media.

We have the privileg to work with well known experts and best medical professionals, as well as our industry partners who help us to maintain the high quality of our digital learning products.   The task of  lifelong learning and further education is currently developing rapidly: Or could you have ever imagined, that our children would be using iPads during their classes?

>> Register to the digital Healthcare Campus <<
Sign up here to our digital Healthcare Campus

>> CME approved E-Learnings <<
Here you will find our CME approved E-Learnings


Stand 08.2019