Myocardial Perfusion Imaging with special consideration of pharmacological stress agents




Prof. Dr. Richard Underwood
Prof. Dr. François Rouzet
Prof. Dr. Sigmund Silber
Dr. María Nazarena Pizzi

Learning Targets

  • To appreciate ESC and NICE guidelines for the investigation of patients presenting with stable chest pain
  • To compare the strengths and weaknesses of non-invasive imaging tests for the investigation of patients presenting with stable chest pain
  • To select appropriate stress for coronary functional imaging according to patient characteristics. 
  • To review aspects of the cost-effectiveness of non-invasive tests of coronary function
  • When evaluating a patient with suspected SCAD it is essential to calculate the pre-test probability to select the appropriate test.
  • Regadenoson is currently the stress test of choice in patients with suspected SCAD, with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and who cannot perform a good exercise test.
  • A stress test performed with Regadenoson has a diagnostic and prognostic yield comparable to other vasodilators or an exercise test.
  • Regadenoson is by far the most practical pharmacological stress protocol (independent of the weight of the patient, short infusion time, few side effects, etc.)
  • Indications for Regadenoson in daily practice
  • Correct use of Regadenoson
  • Procedure for possible complications
  • For diagnostic purpose of CAD, maximal stress is required
  • Whenever 85% maximal predicted HR is not achievable, the combination of exercise with a coronary vasodilator agent is advised
  • Regadenoson offers the possibility to decide upon the opportunity to administrate the vasodilator agent according to the patients’ actual exercise abilities  with only a 30 sec prolongation of the duration of exercise

Lecture Board

Prim. Univ.-Doz. Dr. Alexander Becherer
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christian Pirich

Accreditation Information

The e-learning activity “Myocardial Perfusion Imaging with special consideration of pharmacological stress agents” is accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) to provide the following CME activity for medical specialists. The e-learning activity is awarded with 1 European CME credit (ECMEC’s).

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valid until 01.12.2024